New Release
SERION easyCSF is suitable for laboratory information system (LIS) connection and enables a bi-directional data transfer via a separate interface. Data from SERION Immunomat software are automatically transferred to the software and additionally required patient information and clinical data are imported from the LIS. Quotient diagrams according to Reiber are displayed and pathogen-specific antibody indices can be reported back to the LIS.
The corresponding patient samples are identified by a character string in the barcode, which is identical for serum and CSF. The software allows the use of different barcode types by defining specific sample codes.
Calculation of pathogen-specific antibody indices is based on the precise quantification of antibody activities in CSF and serum samples. SERION ELISA classic and SERION ELISA agile test systems use the 4-parameter logistic function (4 PL) which optimizes accuracy over the maximal calibration range. Institut Virion\Serion GmbH establishes a lot-specific 4 PL standard curve for each kit lot and an economical 1-Point-Quantification is used to compensate for interassay variations.
Flexible dilutions of CSF and serum can be chosen to ensure optimal combination for antibody calculation. Taking into account the DGLN recommendations, algorithms were defined to suggest the best suitable combination for antibody index calculation, which can be acknowledged by the user.
All relevant data including quotients, antibody indices, clinical chemistry, cytology and other required patient data are compiled in a combined patient report.